茶十方是IDEAFINE十方创意自主研发的设计师茶品牌。中国的茶文化源远流长, 每一种茶都有每一种茶的表情。
Ideafine Tea is a designer tea brand independently developed by Ideafine.
Promote traditional culture through the image design of traditional Pu’er tea.
The overall design idea is based on how the traditional tea culture is expressed in a modern way,
and conforms to the current aesthetic taste.
2022 PENTAWARDS / Silver 银奖 / 英国伦敦
2022 香港HKDA环球设计大奖 / 优异奖 / 中国香港
2022 ITEAwards顶尖茶事包装设计邀请展 / 福州茶博会